Partner With Us
Like a rope of many strands, we can accomplish so much more for the Kingdom of God together. Will you join us in the good fight?
How are we supported?
The Light of the Nations International Ministries is a work of faith. We depend entirely on God to move in the hearts of His people and sacrificially support our ministry. Keep reading.

Elements Already in Place:
These things are established and bearing fruit for the Kingdom.
Elements Still Needed:
These things are needed. How can you assist us in completing our ministry vision?
All gifts to The Light of the Nations International Ministries are tax deductible.

Working together
We have vision, strategy, and gifted leaders, but we cannot do it alone. We need your help. It is as simple as engaging in one or all of these things:
Because of His name’s sake, they went forth, taking nothing from the Gentiles; we therefore ought to receive such, that we might be fellow helpers to the truth.
– 3 John 1:7-8